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BrightFocus Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds research worldwide to save sight and mind, released the results of a survey of more than 170 leading biomedical scientists that explores the most significant barriers to progress in ending brain and eye diseases
As of February 1, 2013, BrightFocus Foundation is the new name for American Health Assistance Foundation.
In recognition of Low Vision Awareness Month, the American Health Assistance Foundation is teaming up with Asbury Methodist Village to offer Sight Matters, two free public-education events on Friday, February 8, 2013, in Gaithersburg, Md.
The Alzheimer's Disease Research program of the American Health Assistance Foundation is teaming up with TEDMED, a community of people who are passionate about imagining the future of health and medicine, to present an online panel, Preparing for the Dementia Tsunami. It is one of TEDMED's 20 Great Challenges of Health and Medicine.
The Board of Directors of the American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit providing research funding and public information on age-related degenerative diseases, elected a new slate of officers during its summer meeting in Cleveland, Ohio.
The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization with a history of funding breakthrough research on age-related vision diseases, announced today that it has awarded 21 new grants totaling $2.1 million to scientists worldwide who are studying glaucoma and macular degeneration. The two conditions are the leading causes of irreversible blindness in the world.
The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds ground-breaking, early-stage research on Alzheimer's disease, today announced it has awarded 22 new research grants, totaling more than $3.6 million, to scientists on the cutting edge of discoveries about the devastating disease.
The newly released Vision Problems in the U.S. report provides updated, state-by-state calculations on the prevalence of vision diseases.
The American Health Assistance Foundation applauds scientists who received the prestigious MetLife Award for Medical Research in Alzheimer's Disease, an honor that recognizes outstanding researchers in the field and provides grants to further their work.
The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting research and public information through its Alzheimer's Disease Research program, commends the Obama Administration's development of the first National Alzheimer's Plan, released today.