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Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation expresses our sympathies to the family and friends of Dr. Mark Smith. A former AHAF grantee, Smith was an eminent scientist who advanced research on Alzheimer's disease and the biology of aging, contributing to more than 800 studies in his field.

Dec 21, 2010
BrightFocus Foundation

The American Health Assistance Foundation today announced the appointment of Melissa May as vice president for communications and marketing.

Dec 3, 2010
Alzheimer's Disease Research

The American Health Assistance Foundation today announced a significant discovery in Alzheimer's disease research by one of its grantees, Paul Lombroso, whose efforts resulted in discovery of a new therapeutic drug target that may help protect against the loss of cognition seen in Alzheimer's disease patients.

Oct 20, 2010
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation today announced that one of its board members, renowned scientist Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D., received the President's National Medal of Science, the nation's highest honor for science and technology.

Oct 18, 2010
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation and Asbury Methodist Village are partnering to host a special community day on Wednesday, September 22 as part of Healthy Aging Month.

Sep 9, 2010
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) today announced a new partnership with BioMed Central’s open access journal, Molecular Neurodegeneration (MN) in which MN will be the official journal of AHAF. The open access publishing model provides articles for free to the general public as well as scientists, clinicians and other healthcare practitioners.

Jul 19, 2010
Press Releases

Read about Dr. Lieberman's study funded by National Glaucoma Research.

Jun 17, 2010
Press Releases

A team of researchers, led by Lee Goldstein at Boston University School of Medicine and the Boston University Alzheimer's Disease Center, announced today findings that could lead to an eye test for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, a discovery in part made possible through a grant from the American Health Assistance Foundation.

May 20, 2010
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation has awarded 52 grants totaling more than $8 million dollars to scientists worldwide who are on the cutting edge of promising discoveries in the areas of Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Apr 19, 2010
Press Releases

Two prominent members of the American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) Scientific Review Committees were recently honored with MetLife Foundation Awards for Medical Research in Alzheimer's Disease to continue their efforts to find treatments and cures for this horrible illness.

Apr 2, 2010