Research News

National Glaucoma Research

A new BrightFocus-funded glaucoma vision research study suggests that Black and Asian people receive a critical glaucoma screening test less frequently than others, which could delay sight-saving treatment.

Jun 5, 2024
National Glaucoma Research

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new treatment for glaucoma, iDose® TR (travoprost intracameral implant, 75 mcg). iDose TR is a first-of-its kind treatment that is designed to provide up to three years of 24/7, continuous drug therapy directly inside the eye, helping people with glaucoma take control over the elevated eye pressure associated with this vision disease.

Dec 15, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

In a first of its kind study, BrightFocus-funded researchers have identified a possible new way to improve drugs to treat glaucoma by studying a tiny part of the eye’s drainage system that plays a major role in eye pressure. 

Nov 13, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

Researchers have found a way to block a “master switch” in the eye and the brain that controls inflammation, introducing a possible target for combatting glaucoma and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Oct 6, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, researchers have identified nearly 200 previously unknown DNA regions linked to a risk of developing glaucoma, findings that could lead to new ways of preventing the disease. 

Aug 3, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

Initial study results of an innovative glaucoma therapy involving eye implants have yielded positive results, and a Phase 2 clinical trial of this exciting potential treatment has begun.

Jun 29, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

BrightFocus-funded research offers the potential to restore vision loss due to glaucoma using cell replacement therapy.

Apr 3, 2023
National Glaucoma Research

A team of BrightFocus-funded scientists has proposed a new explanation and possible new target for treatment in glaucoma that’s unrelated to the common culprit of eye pressure.

Dec 1, 2022
National Glaucoma Research

Jason Meyer, PhD, is a BrightFocus Foundation success story and a pioneer in the effort to regenerate eye tissue that is damaged by glaucoma. 

Sep 29, 2022
Research News

Recently, when their groundbreaking genetics discovery was featured on the cover of Nature, the research team thanked BrightFocus for critical early funding that supported their accomplishments.

Apr 13, 2021