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Alzheimer's Disease Research

This article discusses recent findings concerning the burden that Alzheimer's disease imposes on the African American community, and some of the recommendations that are being made in order to address this disparity.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

A doctor answers the most frequent questions that he gets from patients and families regarding Alzheimer's disease.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Read answers to five common questions caregivers ask about Alzheimer’s disease caregiving.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Learn some helpful tips from an expert on creating a safe and smooth journey with someone who has Alzheimer's.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Learn what early-onset Alzheimer's (EOAD) is and how it differs from late-onset Alzheimer's. Recognize EOAD symptoms and causes, and understand treatments.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

When you or someone you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it can be the most devastating and overwhelming news. But the more you learn about this disease and the resources available, the better you are able to create a plan for the future.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Wandering is one of the most dangerous behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how to prevent wandering by understanding what causes it.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Research by BrightFocus grantee Matthew Campbell, PhD, of Trinity College Dublin, suggests a unique way to help clear the brain of toxic amyloid beta protein, which contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s.

Aug 30, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Learn about delusional misidentification conditions like Capgras syndrome, Fregoli syndrome & reduplicative paramnesia, and potential causes and treatments.

Aug 27, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Learn about the signs of elder abuse and what to do if you suspect abuse or neglect.

Aug 27, 2021