Expert Information

Tips, insights, and expert information to help you manage brain and eye disease.

Our tools will help you understand and manage symptoms, treatment, and prevention of these diseases.

Expert Information

How quickly blindness can occur when someone has glaucoma is determined by many factors, including ones that you can control. Learn three important steps that can reduce your risk of going blind from this eye disease.

Jul 7, 2021
Expert Information

Learn the potential benefits, risks, and side effects of glaucoma surgery and whether it's the right treatment for you.

Jul 6, 2021
Expert Information

Laser iridotomy is a surgery to treat narrow angle, chronic angle-closure and acute angle-closure glaucoma. Learn about potential side effects of this procedure.

Jul 5, 2021
Expert Information

Laser peripheral iridotomy, or simply "iridotomy," is the preferred method of treating angle-closure glaucoma. Learn about the risks and benefits of laser peripheral iridotomy surgery.

Jul 5, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Glaucoma was previously defined by high eye pressure (intraocular pressure); however, some patients with normal IOP still may still have optic nerve damage.

Jul 4, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Learn about the first successful attempt to transplant lab-grown retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) into the eyes of mice to find a cure for glaucoma.

Jun 3, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Learn about various causes of increased eye pressure that result from eye trauma and how this medical problem is managed.

Sep 14, 2020
National Glaucoma Research

A treatment plan is a plan that you and your doctor agree to as the way to manage your glaucoma. Its details should be included in your medical chart and updated periodically, as needed.

Oct 7, 2019
National Glaucoma Research

BrightFocus is proud to have been a direct sponsor on two of three new glaucoma research studies.

Jun 29, 2015
National Glaucoma Research

Marijuana, or Cannabis sativa, has been known to lower intraocular pressure (IOP) since the 1970s. The active component of marijuana, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has been shown to lower IOP in animals and humans and in various formulations, including inhaled, oral, intravenous, sublingual, and topical. This article will address the reasons why marijuana is not recommended for the treatment of glaucoma.

Nov 1, 2013