Expert Information

Tips, insights, and expert information to help you manage brain and eye disease.

Our tools will help you understand and manage symptoms, treatment, and prevention of these diseases.

Expert Information

Learn why open-angle glaucoma rarely causes noticeable symptoms in the early stages of the disease, and why that is a problem. Learn who is at risk.

Jul 15, 2021
Expert Information

Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of neovascular glaucoma.

Jul 14, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) occurs when eye  pigmentation clogs the eye's drainage system. See video of how PDS may lead to pigmentary glaucoma.

Jul 14, 2021
Expert Information

There are many effective and different treatments for open-angle glaucoma, but the one unifying concept is that all current treatments are designed to lower eye pressure.

Jul 14, 2021

To evaluate which glaucoma treatment option is best, read about all your options and ask your doctor these questions at your next appointment.

Jul 14, 2021
Expert Information

Learn about pseudoexfoliation syndrome, an age-related disease manifesting itself primarily in the eyes which increases the risk of developing glaucoma.

Jul 14, 2021
Expert Information

Learn about a form of glaucoma that typically produces no pain and other forms that can cause significant discomfort. Regardless of whether pain is associated with glaucoma, the condition can lead to complete loss of vision if not treated properly.

Jul 14, 2021
Expert Information

Visual field tests detect changes in peripheral vision, an important indicator in glaucoma diagnosis. Learn how it works.

Jul 14, 2021
Expert Information

Optic nerve degeneration related to glaucoma may cause an effect called optic nerve cupping. This video demonstrates the cupping effect.

Jul 9, 2021
Expert Information

Learn how eye pressure, family history, and optic nerve appearance may lead to being a glaucoma suspect, and what to do with a borderline glaucoma diagnosis.

Jul 9, 2021