Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease; but, BrightFocus is working to change that. While medical science is not certain why Alzheimer’s disease affects some people and not others, researchers worldwide are searching for answers about the disease's root causes and ways to prevent or detect it early so we can stop the progression and ultimately find a cure.

In the meantime, that doesn’t mean that Alzheimer’s patients and their physicians are without options.

A senior woman sitting in a country-style kitchen with medication in her hand.

Treatments and Drug Options for Alzheimer's Disease

  • Some medications help control or delay symptoms for a time, particularly in the early stages of the disease.
  • Other drug treatments can help manage mental or emotional health symptoms like depression or agitation.
  • Behavioral or environmental strategies—actions that can help reduce stress in a patient’s daily activities, for example—may reduce anxiety and manage conditions without medical intervention.

How these Drugs Work

These drugs may work for some people but not others, and they do not stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Instead, the drugs may delay it or help with symptom control for a period of time, particularly in the earlier stages of the disease. This action, in turn, may help patients with their attention and focus, cognitive abilities, memory, and communication skills.

A senior man questioning his daughter about a medication.

Side Effects

Always talk to a doctor about the pros and cons of trying a particular drug treatment, alone or in combination with other drugs or with behavioral approaches. Even if certain medicines are well tolerated by most patients, drugs may have side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Trouble sleeping

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Find an Alzheimer's Clinical Trial

These studies are crucial to advancing medical approaches most effective for specific conditions or groups of people. Today’s clinical trials will lead to new standards of care in the future. Learn more here.

A table with a laptop computer, mobile phone, notebook and glasses.
Alzheimer's Disease

Navigating Alzheimer's Disease

BrightFocus Foundation offers vetted resources to help you and your loved ones better understand, manage and live with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

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