Make a significant impact by giving monthly. You'll fund critical research and provide valuable information to families living with diseases of mind and sight year-round.

BrightFocus scientific milestones

Celebrating Over 50 Years of Bold Research

BrightFocus has invested nearly $300 million in research grants, catalyzing thousands of scientific breakthroughs, life-enhancing treatments, and diagnostic tools.

Our 360° Approach to Research

Funding revolutionary research and first-in science into diseases of mind and sight.

Sequencing photo showing the order of the DNA's base structures.

We hear hope firsthand from scientists about their progress toward innovative tools and technologies, which provide earlier and more accurate diagnoses and treatments.

Two researchers working in a lab.

We see hope in the eyes of the young, promising scientists who each year have their research ideas and "what-ifs" accelerated through our Fast Track programs and fellowship awards.

A doctor's hands typing on a laptop with a stethoscope beside it on a table.

We find hope in the notes we receive from those who say that BrightFocus gave them clear, trusted information to better understand and manage their health.

We're here for you.

Find out how BrightFocus is making an impact in the community.

Collage of doctors speaking with patient, scientist in lab, senior woman smiling, woman getting eye exam, woman with her grandchildren, and scientists working in lab.

Educational Resources and Community Outreach

We empower people facing Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma and their loved ones with free expert resources, community events, film screenings, audio and video programming, and so much more.

Join an upcoming conversation with brain and eye experts, live or on-demand:

  • BrightFocus Chats: Accessible audio podcast conversations about treatments, research breakthroughs, news, and tips for living with macular degeneration and glaucoma.

  • Zoom in on Dementia & Alzheimer’s: An interactive video deep dive into brain health information and the latest breakthroughs with leading experts.

Phil Gutis, diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's.
See Phil's Story

Driving Public Awareness

BrightFocus Foundation reaches millions of people worldwide through its public outreach and free expert information around brain and eye health.   

Recent campaigns have raised national awareness about ways to reduce one’s risk, manage, and care for Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. BrightFocus offers helpful resources to get started, available both digitally and in print.

Donate to Cure Diseases of Mind and Sight

Support groundbreaking research worldwide to end Alzheimer’s disease, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma.

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