
National Glaucoma Research

Learn what doctors mean when they use the term "narrow angles," and how this relates to glaucoma.

May 1, 2017
Macular Degeneration Research

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in the United States, affecting as many as 11 million Americans. Without proper treatment, AMD can lead to loss of sharp, central vision and cause legal blindness. This short film gives an overview of the disease—including risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and the role nutrition and lifestyle plan in protecting eyesight. It also addresses some of the challenges of living with AMD, and encourages those diagnosed with the disease to take control of their sight.

This short, animated “pocket film” that offers an overview of AMD—including its symptoms, impact on lifestyle, treatment, and more.

May 13, 2016
Macular Degeneration Research

The Amsler grid is a simple test to monitor macular degeneration. Learn more in this brief video.

May 4, 2016
National Glaucoma Research

Learn where eye fluid (aqueous humor) is produced, how it circulates, and its contribution to the development of glaucoma.

Apr 12, 2016
BrightFocus Foundation

Las personas por lo general no experimentan síntomas cuando tienen una enfermedad ocular, como la degeneración macular o glaucoma. Esa es una de las principales razones porque es esencial programar exámenes oculares regulares y completos.

Jan 12, 2016
National Glaucoma Research

Learn about the location and function of the retina.

Jan 12, 2016
Macular Degeneration Research

Learn why the use of proper sunglasses is important in protecting your vision.

Mar 15, 2015
National Glaucoma Research

Whether you need to apply ​eye drops to treat glaucoma, relieve dry eyes,​ or for other reasons, watch this video on the proper technique for using eye drops.

Mar 15, 2015
National Glaucoma Research

This video explains where the optic nerve is located and its primary function.

Mar 15, 2015
National Glaucoma Research

Learn what causes an increase in eye pressure, and how that contributes to optic nerve damage.

Mar 5, 2015