Questions & Answers
Josh Dunaief of the University of Pennsylvania’s Scheie Eye Institute is a regular contributor to and a guest on the BrightFocus Chats. In this edition of Take Five, learn more about one of the world’s leading vision researchers.
There are a great many resources available to people with low vision and their caretakers.
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness among African Americans and Hispanics in the U.S.
Where did this misconception that Alzheimer's spreads via infection come from?
There are two main forms of glaucoma: open-angle (the most common form, affecting approximately 70-95% of individuals); and angle-closure.
Elevated eye pressure increases the risk of developing glaucoma; however, the disease can occur in people with normal or even lower-than-normal eye pressure.
No, but there are sight-saving treatments. So the sooner a person is diagnosed, the more vision can be preserved.
Laser surgery can aid in controlling the symptoms of glaucoma, but no treatments currently available will cure the disease.