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Research News
In the January 2015 issue of Lancet Neurology, Randall Bateman, MD, reviews top achievements in Alzheimer’s research in 2014. A long-time colleague of BrightFocus and one of our current grantees, Bateman is the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Distinguished Professor of Neurology at the Washington University of St. Louis Medical School.
Jun 29, 2015
Research News
Read a summary of the National Institute of Health’s 2015 Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit.
Jun 29, 2015
Research News

BrightFocus 2013-14 grantee Crystal Miller, PhD, and her mentor, Bruce Lamb, PhD, both of the Cleveland Clinic, along with Taylor Jay of Case Western Reserve University, are coauthors on a new report that describes the surprising—even counterintuitive—role that a genetic variant associated with the immune system plays in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Jun 29, 2015
Research News

In his blog posted on March 17, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins asks a provocative question: “What Makes Our Brains Human?” He then provides at least a partial answer to that question with the help of some new science out of Yale.

Jun 26, 2015
Clinical Trials
Read about the success from an early clinical trial of the Alzheimer’s drug, aducanumab.
Jun 26, 2015
Research News

Last week, researchers in Iceland announced the completion of a large project to sequence the genomes (or complete DNA) of 2,636 of their fellow countrymen. The Icelandic data base is being called a “treasure trove” of information that will further scientists’ understanding of diseases that are not caused by one single genetic mutation, but instead to mutations on several different genes.

Jun 26, 2015
Clinical Trials
Good news from Yale—researchers there report early success using a still-experimental cancer drug known as saracatinib to treat Alzheimer’s disease in mice.
Jun 26, 2015
Press Releases

Maddy Dychtwald, a renowned expert on our nation's changing demographic trends and aging, has joined the BrightFocus Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Jun 2, 2015
Research News
In two studies receiving international attention, 2013-16 BrightFocus grantee Rik Ossenkoppele, PhD, of Vrije Universiteit (VU) Medical Center, Amsterdam, and colleagues in the Netherlands have lent confidence to our understanding of how Alzheimer’s develops. Their findings help confirm that amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide levels start to build up and aggregate long before Alzheimer’s symptoms develop, and are predictive of disease.
May 29, 2015
Press Releases

The BrightFocus Foundation today honored seven outstanding scientists in the fields of macular degeneration and glaucoma, awarding them research grants named in honor of leaders in vision research and advocacy.

May 5, 2015