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Alzheimer's Disease Research

Brain tissue grown in a dish called an “organoid,” was used to study how genetic mutations contribute to FTD. 

Sep 15, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Gene found to regulate tissue responsible for draining fluid from the eye.

Sep 15, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

BrightFocus-funded researchers have proposed a new way to treat Alzheimer’s, by clearing toxic tau from the connections, or synapses, between brain cells.

Aug 19, 2021
Research in Brief

BrightFocus is funding early science behind a promising new technology– a wearable device that provides a very early prediction of Alzheimer’s onset.

Aug 17, 2021
Research in Brief

Researchers uncover a potential association between an APOE genetic variant and changes in brain metabolism leading to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment.

Aug 5, 2021
Macular Degeneration Research

Age-related macular degeneration is thought to begin with a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors that damage retinal cells and lead to the formation of small droplets that may be precursors to drusen. In early studies drugs that inhibit cholesterol help prevent this.

Aug 3, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

Learn about a key lifestyle change that could help decrease your risk for developing the devastating eye disease

Jul 19, 2021