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Download the fall 2014 issue of our glaucoma newsletter to learn about injections that could replace daily eye drops for glaucoma, the visual field test, and much more.

Jun 30, 2015
Press Releases

During May’s Healthy Vision Month, BrightFocus Foundation is encouraging regular, comprehensive eye exams to protect against vision loss. While some eye diseases have no warning signs until damage has been done, others may be minimized if detected and treated early.

May 19, 2014
Press Releases

BrightFocus Foundation today joins others in the field of vision research in paying tribute to a giant in the profession—renowned glaucoma expert David L. Epstein, M.D., M.M.M., of the Duke Eye Center at Duke University, who passed away this week.

Mar 5, 2014
National Glaucoma Research

An estimated half of the three million Americans living with glaucoma may be unaware they have this sight-stealing disease. Once vision is lost to glaucoma, it can never be regained. Vision loss can be prevented, however, if glaucoma is detected and treated early.

Jan 9, 2014
Press Releases

The newly released Vision Problems in the U.S. report provides updated, state-by-state calculations on the prevalence of vision diseases.

Jun 20, 2012
Press Releases

As World Glaucoma Day is observed the American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) will award over one million dollars in grants to scientists worldwide who are on the front lines of glaucoma research.

Mar 11, 2010
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF), in recognition of Glaucoma Awareness Month in January, will present a glaucoma lecture and discussion program on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at the Asbury Methodist Village, Rosborough Community Rooms, 409 Russell Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. The event is free and open to the public with complimentary parking available.

Dec 31, 2009
Press Releases

Glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight,” because it often has no symptoms until there is irreversible vision loss making it the leading cause of blindness worldwide affecting approximately 65 million people according to the World Health Organization.

Mar 10, 2009