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After years spent researching a protein linked to inherited forms of glaucoma, Raquel Lieberman, PhD, and her team at Georgia Tech have provided a three-dimensional view of that protein and a better understanding of what can happen when it becomes misshapen through genetic miscoding.
Download the fall 2013 issue of our glaucoma newsletter to learn about an FDA-approved glaucoma drug called Simbrinza™ Suspension, strategies for everyday life with glaucoma, and much more.
Download the winter 2014 issue of our glaucoma newsletter to learn about a recently discovered common genetic marker for elevated intraocular pressure, risks associated with certain glaucoma drugs, and much more.
Download the summer 2014 issue of our glaucoma newsletter to learn about a set of molecules that could block myocilin accumulation, drug-delivering contact lenses for glaucoma patients, and much more.
Download the fall 2014 issue of our glaucoma newsletter to learn about injections that could replace daily eye drops for glaucoma, the visual field test, and much more.
During May’s Healthy Vision Month, BrightFocus Foundation is encouraging regular, comprehensive eye exams to protect against vision loss. While some eye diseases have no warning signs until damage has been done, others may be minimized if detected and treated early.
BrightFocus Foundation today joins others in the field of vision research in paying tribute to a giant in the profession—renowned glaucoma expert David L. Epstein, M.D., M.M.M., of the Duke Eye Center at Duke University, who passed away this week.
An estimated half of the three million Americans living with glaucoma may be unaware they have this sight-stealing disease. Once vision is lost to glaucoma, it can never be regained. Vision loss can be prevented, however, if glaucoma is detected and treated early.
The newly released Vision Problems in the U.S. report provides updated, state-by-state calculations on the prevalence of vision diseases.