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Information on the connection between uveitis and glaucoma, the research of Jason Porter, PhD, who is working on a new method to detect glaucoma, surgical treatment options for open-angle glaucoma, and more are found in the winter 2020 edition of the National Glaucoma Research Report.

Feb 12, 2020
National Glaucoma Research

Looking ahead to vision replacement, ways to increase stem cell success.

Feb 7, 2020
National Glaucoma Research

BrightFocus Foundation, through its National Glaucoma Research program, today issued a request for proposals for promising research in the field of glaucoma.

Jul 24, 2019
Research News
The research and discoveries of clinician-scientist Joel S. Schuman, MD, are having a big impact on vision diseases, including glaucoma. Early support from BrightFocus had a big impact on his career.
Jul 23, 2019

Learn about a promising new technology for monitoring the progression of glaucoma, why age is a risk factor for glaucoma, a new approach for regenerating an injured optic nerve, the importance of clinical trials, and more in the spring edition of the National Glaucoma Research Report.

Jun 3, 2019

The winter 2019 edition of the National Glaucoma Research Report provides answers to the top five questions asked about glaucoma, describes a new method to inhibit inflammation and prevent glaucoma, lists several apps for people with low vision, outlines a clinical research study underway to save sight from glaucoma, and more.

Feb 5, 2019

New approaches to lowering eye pressure, a technique that may increase understanding of how glaucoma occurs, helpful information on how eye pressure is measured, lifestyle tips to promote eye health, and more are found in the fall 2018 edition of National Glaucoma Research Report.

Oct 8, 2018

Learn how medications, diseases, and trauma can cause an eye condition called secondary glaucoma, explore how laser procedures are used in the treatment of glaucoma, understand how volunteers are supporting an important clinical trial to save sight, and much more in the spring 2018 edition of National Glaucoma Research Report.

May 10, 2018
Research News

Two new pressure-lowering glaucoma medications have been approved by the FDA and are becoming available in the United States. Each is unique, and one is the first in a new class of drugs.

Mar 29, 2018
Research News
BrightFocus Foundation has joined a new partnership to support innovative science to regenerate damaged visual pathways in glaucoma.
Feb 6, 2018