Latest News

Clinical Trials
Reisa Sperling, MD, a Harvard-based, BrightFocus-funded Alzheimer’s researcher now leading a major clinical trial, thinks it might be possible to prevent or delay the worst symptoms of Alzheimer's when physical changes in the brain, including shrinkage and amyloid build-up, are detected early, before cognition is impaired, and treatment begins at those earliest stages.
Jun 29, 2015

Download the fall 2013 issue of our Alzheimer’s disease newsletter to learn about key areas of study in Alzheimer’s research, a link between anemia and increased dementia risk, and much more.

Jun 29, 2015

Download the spring 2014 issue of our Alzheimer’s disease newsletter to learn about 14 new genes linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, a potential link between concussions and Alzheimer’s, and much more.

Jun 29, 2015

Download the summer 2014 issue of our Alzheimer's disease newsletter and learn about a blood test with a 90% success rate for predicting Alzheimer's, a link between cardiovascular and brain health, and much more.

Jun 29, 2015

Download the fall 2014 issue of our Alzheimer’s disease newsletter to learn about a drug compound that reversed Alzheimer’s effects on memory in mice, new grants that will fund Alzheimer’s research, and much more.

Jun 29, 2015

After centuries of health and economic disparity, women have emerged as a strong force in the U.S. and worldwide. Yet a crisis of inequality looms ahead.

Jun 29, 2015
Research News

BrightFocus grantee Huaxi Xu, PhD and colleagues at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla, CA, have published a paper that sheds light on the origins and connections between the characteristic amyloid plaques found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and the predisposition of individuals with Down syndrome to develop the same plaques, and exhibit Alzheimer’s-type dementia, as they age.

Jun 29, 2015
Diet & Nutrition
It may seem too good to be true, but your brain works better on chocolate, according to a small study just published online in the journal, Nature Neuroscience. Dark chocolate, that is. Processing for milk chocolate gets rid of the helpful compounds.
Jun 29, 2015
Drugs & Medication

This week, at a meeting in Bethesda, MD, a group of experts pondered what works to measure "clinical meaningfulness" in drug development for early Alzheimer's disease.

Jun 29, 2015
Clinical Trials
For the Alzheimer’s community, new drugs cannot come fast enough. In recent years, trials of disease-modifying drugs have been disappointing, yet they’ve brought valuable knowledge about the optimal timing for when Alzheimer’s can be stopped. Today, there’s a sense that a breakthrough is near. There’s a quantum leap of activity aimed at slowing down Alzheimer’s decades before symptoms appear.
Jun 29, 2015