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Research in Brief

Learn about a potential blood test to diagnose AD and monitor its progression and response to treatments.

Dec 21, 2021
Research in Brief

People with Alzheimer’s pathology, but no significant cognitive decline (termed, resilient), have increases in synaptic signaling and energy production and decreased damage to waste clearance and anti-oxidant proteins when compared to people with AD-dementia.

Dec 17, 2021
National Glaucoma Research

After early human development, the nerve cells of the eye no longer regenerate. Researchers are looking for ways to genetically manipulate this pathway to protect and repair damaged retinal ganglion cells in glaucoma.

Dec 16, 2021
Research in Brief

Recent work from BrightFocus grantee Zhuohao He, PhD, advances knowledge of tau in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegeneration, and opens new avenues for drug development.

Dec 13, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Neurodegeneration in a key brain region has been associated with sleep disturbances in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease – a finding which could lead to earlier intervention and better treatment options.

Dec 10, 2021
Alzheimer's Disease Research

BrightFocus Foundation, a nonprofit organization funding scientific research to end diseases of mind and sight, Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration and glaucoma, announced a special program, Brain Info Live: A Fireside Chat for Caregivers with Richard Lui.

Dec 6, 2021
Research in Brief

High-throughput analysis reveals that retinal genes are influenced by a high-fat diet alone, independent of gut bacteria, in ways that increase susceptibility to macular degeneration.

Dec 1, 2021