Research News

Research News

Macular Degeneration Research grantees are looking at new ways to stop age-related macular degeneration. Two, in particular, are hoping that vitamins and diet will provide solutions.

Sep 5, 2017
Research News
Kip Connor, PhD, with funding from Macular Degeneration Research (MDR), has lead a team of experts to discover an important role of immune cells that regulate, and could potentially stop, abnormal blood vessel growth in advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Sep 5, 2017
Research News
Francis Hanes, PhD, is using his knowledge of biophysics to advance Alzheimer’s imaging and achieve earlier diagnosis. Read about his BrightFocus-funded research.
Feb 17, 2017
Research News

Learn about an exciting citizen science project receiving support from the BrightFocus Alzheimer’s Disease Research program; the first crowd-sourced effort to gather data to help end Alzheimer’s disease.

Feb 16, 2017
Research News

Top U.S. scientists are concerned that eye and vision health are relatively absent from national health priority lists. AMD, in particular, is rising..

Jan 31, 2017
Research News

An experimental drug, consisting of cells manufactured and implanted in the eye to stimulate optic nerve growth and activity, could be an entirely new way of fighting glaucoma.

Oct 14, 2016
Research News
Jeffrey Goldberg, MD, PhD, a BrightFocus grantee answers questions about an exciting new clinical trial for glaucoma.
Oct 14, 2016
Research News

BrightFocus is funding a clinical trial to try to fight glaucoma with a new drug implanted in the eye that may protect the optic nerve.

Oct 11, 2016
Research News

BrightFocus Foundation today lauded a new, innovative citizen science project, EyesOnALZ, which recently launched an online game - Stall Catchers - to engage the public in helping researchers analyze Alzheimer’s data in the hopes of more quickly discovering ways to prevent and treat the disease.

Oct 5, 2016
Research News

BrightFocus Foundation, Geoffrey Beene Foundation Alzheimer’s Initiative, AnthroTronix, and Mindoula, have launched Phase II of the Health-eBrain Study, investigating the impact the Alzheimer’s caregiving experience has on brain and behavioral health.

Jul 26, 2016