Research News

Research News
Francis Hanes, PhD, is using his knowledge of biophysics to advance Alzheimer’s imaging and achieve earlier diagnosis. Read about his BrightFocus-funded research.
Feb 17, 2017
Research News

Learn about an exciting citizen science project receiving support from the BrightFocus Alzheimer’s Disease Research program; the first crowd-sourced effort to gather data to help end Alzheimer’s disease.

Feb 16, 2017
Research News

BrightFocus Foundation today lauded a new, innovative citizen science project, EyesOnALZ, which recently launched an online game - Stall Catchers - to engage the public in helping researchers analyze Alzheimer’s data in the hopes of more quickly discovering ways to prevent and treat the disease.

Oct 5, 2016
Research News
Real World Health Care talks with Diane Bovenkamp, Ph.D., Scientific Program Officer for BrightFocus Foundation, about the basic science and therapeutic research the Foundation is funding.
May 25, 2016
Research News

Time magazine recently described a “cocktail” approach to fighting Alzheimer’s. BrightFocus-funded research supports this effort, which takes us closer to a cure.

Feb 18, 2016
Alzheimer's Disease Research

Stacy Pagos Haller, BrightFocus Foundation's President and CEO, urges the Food and Drug Administration to strongly support expanded use of neurodiagnostic tools to assess cognitive function.

Nov 19, 2015
Research News

Learn about BrightFocus-funded presentations at the 2015 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.

Nov 2, 2015
Research News

Research by BrightFocus grantee Matthew Campbell, PhD, of Trinity College Dublin, represents a potential new way to help clear the brain of a build-up of the toxic amyloid beta (Aβ) that leads to Alzheimer’s.

Sep 24, 2015
Research News
Researchers funded by BrightFocus Foundation are bringing us closer to preventing the spread of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain. Learn more about this exciting research.
Sep 16, 2015
Alzheimer's Disease Research
Jul 11, 2015