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BrightFocus Funds First-of-Its-Kind Citizen Science Project to Fight Alzheimer's Disease

  • Media Coverage
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EyesOnALZ, supported by BrightFocus Foundation, is a new citizen science project launched by the Human Computation Institute (HCI). The project will enable vast numbers of people to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease research and speed up drug discovery, by playing a simple online game.

In a guest post on the blog network of BioMed Central,* Egle M. Ramanauskaite of the HCI tells us how a new Alzheimer’s citizen science game—Stall Catchers—is aiming to break the rules and offer new proactive ways to fight Alzheimer's disease.

Read the original article.
*BioMed Central publishes over 290 quality peer-reviewed journals on biology, clinical medicine and health, including Molecular Neurodegeneration, the official journal of BrightFocus Foundation.