2024 BrightFocus Research Grant Awards

For more than 50 years, BrightFocus Foundation has supported cutting-edge research into Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. See what we are funding this year:


Female scientist in a lab working with a pipette.

Alzheimer's Disease Research

With generous donor support, BrightFocus Foundation’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research program has funded more than $180 million in research to understand and cure Alzheimer’s. With our grants, scientists worldwide are tackling the disease from many angles, investigating how complex systems (cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune) interact to develop earlier detection strategies and novel treatments. Our current portfolio of 112 active projects worldwide offers huge promise and opportunity to defeat this heartbreaking disease.

Grants Awarded in 2024:

Md. Joynal Abedin, PhD

The Effect of Alzheimer's Disease on Neurons Across the Sleep/Wake Cycle

Md. Joynal Abedin, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital 

Mentor: Ksenia Kastanenka, PhD

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

Willem Annaert, PhD

Decoding the Role of an Alzheimer's Causal Gene in Distinct Brain Cell Types

Willem Annaert, PhD

Flemish Institute for Biotechnology

Other Misfolded Proteins

Guojun Bu, PhD

The Effects of Peripheral APOE2 on Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology and Pathways

Guojun Bu, PhD

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China)

Biology of Fats & Proteins (APOE)

Brittany Butts, PhD

Understanding Alzheimer's Risk and Immune Health in Heart Disease

Brittany Butts, PhD

Emory University

Co-Principal Investigator: Whitney Wharton, PhD

Immunity & Inflammation

Davide Cappon, PhD

Neurostimulation to Improve Depression and Memory in Dementia

Davide Cappon, PhD

Hebrew Rehabilitation Center

Cells and Circuits

Martin J. Dahl, PhD

Shining a Light on How Early Tau-Related Brain Changes Affect Memory Loss

Martin J. Dahl, PhD

Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Germany)

Mentor: Ulman Lindenberger, Ph


Hannah Ennerfelt, PhD

The Role of the Immune System in Driving Cognitive Decline

Hannah Ennerfelt, PhD

Stanford University

Mentor: Katrin Andreasson, MD

Immunity & Inflammation

Joshna Gadhavi, PhD

Assessing the Impact of Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease

Joshna Gadhavi, PhD

Emory University

Mentor: Nicholas Seyfried, PhD


Helena Gellersen, PhD

Identifying New Memory and Brain Markers for Early Alzheimer's Disease

Helena Gellersen, PhD

German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Germany)

Mentor: David Berron, PhD


Amira Latif Hernandez, PhD

Targeting Brain Cell Miscommunication to Restore Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease

Amira Latif Hernandez, PhD

Stanford University

Cells & Circuits

Sarah Kaufman, MD, PhD

Identifying the Mechanisms That Underlie Tau Aggregation & Neurotoxicity

Sarah Kaufman, MD, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Mentors: Martin Kampmann, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles; William Seeley, MD

The Impact of Tau

Recipient, Dr. Edward H. Koo Postdoctoral Fellowship Award for Alzheimer's Disease Research

Dong Kyu Kim, PhD

Defining the Impact of Cytokine Signaling in Alzheimer’s Disease

Dong Kyu Kim, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Immunity & Inflammation

María Llorens-Martín, PhD

Does Alzheimer’s Disease Accelerate Brain Aging?

María Llorens-Martín, PhD

Spanish National Research Council (Spain)

Cells and Circuits

Jerome Mertens, PhD

Cancer-Like Metabolic Changes in Alzheimer's Disease Neurons

Jerome Mertens, PhD

University of California, San Diego

Metabolism & Bioenergetics

Tatsuhiko Naito, MD, PhD

Decoding Alzheimer’s Disease Genomes with Deep Learning

Tatsuhiko Naito, MD, PhD 

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Mentor: Towfique Raj, PhD


Raffaella Nativio, PhD

Uncovering How Gene Regulators Protect Neurons Against Alzheimer's

Raffaella Nativio, PhD 

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (U.K.)


Andrew D. Nguyen, PhD

Progranulin as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Alzheimer's Disease

Andrew D. Nguyen, PhD

Saint Louis University

Co-Principal Investigator: Susan Farr, PhD

Cells and Circuits

Julie Ottoy, PhD

The Role of the Brain Vascular-Immune Processes in Alzheimer’s

Julie Ottoy, PhD

Sunnybrook Research Institute (Canada)

Mentors: Sandra Black, MD and Maged Goubran, PhD, University of Toronto

Vascular Contributions to Dementia

Emanuela Pasciuto, PhD

The Role of Immune Cells' Interaction in Alzheimer's Disease Pathology

Emanuela Pasciuto, PhD 

Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (Belgium)

Immunity & Inflammation

Anna Podlesny-Drabiniok, PhD

Characterizing Factors That Induce Waste Clearance in Microglia

Anna Podlesny-Drabiniok, PhD 

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Co-Principal Investigator: Alison Goate, DPhil

Waste-Clearance Mechanisms

Mercedes Prudencio, PhD

Evaluating the Role of the TDP-43 Protein in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis

Mercedes Prudencio, PhD

Mayo Clinic Jacksonville

Co-Principal Investigator: Yongjie Zhang, PhD 

Other Misfolded Proteins

Wenhui Qu, PhD

Unlocking Tau’s Secrets: Human Brain Cells in the Mouse Brain

Wenhui Qu, PhD

Weill Cornell Medicine 

Mentor: Li Gan, PhD

The Impact of Tau

Gemma Salvadó, PhD

Staging Alzheimer's Disease Using Blood Samples

Gemma Salvadó, PhD 

Lund University (Sweden)

Mentor: Oskar Hansson, MD, PhD


Paula Sanchez-Molina, PhD

The Role of the Immune System in Alzheimer's Disease

Paula Sanchez-Molina, PhD 

Oregon Health & Science University 

Mentor: Bahareh Ajami, PhD

Immunity & Inflammation

Johannes Schlachetzki, PhD

Regulation of Microglia Phenotypes in Alzheimer’s Disease

Johannes Schlachetzki, PhD 

University of California, San Diego 

Immunity & Inflammation

Ashish Sharma, PhD

Circadian Rhythm Disruption and Alzheimer's Disease

Ashish Sharma, PhD 

Washington University in St. Louis 

Mentor: Erik Musiek, PhD

Sleep & Circadian Rhythm

Sankalp Shukla, PhD

Understanding Tau Seeds: The Role of Protein Clumps on Membrane in Alzheimer's Disease

Sankalp Shukla, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Mentor: James Hurley, PhD

Waste-Clearance Mechanisms

Jaehong Suh, PhD

Increase of ADAM10 Protein Expression in the Brain as an Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutic

Jaehong Suh, PhD

Massachusetts General Hospital


Giuseppina Tesco, MD, PhD

Study of a Novel Genetic Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease

Giuseppina Tesco, MD, PhD

Tufts University 


Recipient, Alzheimer's Disease Research Distinguished Investigator Award

Danira Toral-Rios, PhD

Oxysterols in Innate and Adaptive Immunity in a Tauopathy Mouse Model

Danira Toral-Rios, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis 

Mentors: Anil Cashikar, PhD; David Holtzman, MD; Steven M. Paul, PhD

Immunity & Inflammation

Linda Van Eldik, PhD

Dysregulated Astrocyte p38, Brain Inflammation, and Alzheimer's Pathology

Linda Van Eldik, PhD

University of Kentucky Research Foundation

Immunity & Inflammation

Emiliano Zamponi, PhD

Mechanisms of Inhibitory Neuron Vulnerability to Alzheimer’s Disease

Emiliano Zamponi, PhD

Columbia University

Mentor: Franck Polleux, PhD

Cells & Circuits



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In addition to the 23 grants above that were recommended by the Alzheimer's Disease Research Scientific Review Committee, Alzheimer's Disease Research awarded two grants to support other ongoing scientific efforts: a five-year research initiative with the Canadian Institute of Health to study the aging brain and identify how to reduce the risks of dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment, and an inter-country grant with the U.K. and Israel.



Macular Degeneration Research


Through the generosity of our donors, Macular Degeneration Research, a BrightFocus Foundation program, has awarded nearly $53 million to fund research projects on the causes and potential prevention, treatment, and cure of this disease. As of July 2024, Macular Degeneration Research is supporting 49 active research projects worldwide. 

Grants Awarded in 2024:

Brittany Carr, PhD

Investigating AMD-Like Disease in Animal Models

Brittany Carr, PhD

University of Alberta (Canada)

Understanding Early-Stage Macular Degeneration

Miguel Flores-Bellver, PhD

Exosomes & Autophagy: Suspicious Partners in Drusen Biogenesis and AMD

Miguel Flores-Bellver, PhD

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Mentor: Joseph Brzezinski, PhD

Drusen Formation and Immune Response

John Han, PhD

Storing Fat in the Eye: A Pathway for Tackling AMD

John Han, PhD

University of Michigan Medical Center

Mentor: Jason Miller, MD, PhD

Cell Metabolism

Heike Kroeger, PhD

The Generation of Cone Photoreceptor Outer Segments

Heike Kroeger, PhD

University of Georgia

Regenerating Cells Damaged by Macular Degeneration

Neetu Kushwah, PhD

The Novel Role of an Intracellular Nuclear Receptor in AMD Pathogenesis

Neetu Kushwah, PhD

Boston Children’s Hospital 

Mentor: Jing Chen, PhD

Drusen Formation and Immune Response

Maximilian Pfau, MD

Innovative Night Vision Tests for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Maximilian Pfau, MD

Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (Switzerland)

Mentor: Hendrik Scholl, MD, MA

Innovative Approaches to Treatments

Shintaro Shirahama, MD, PhD

The Development of a Transplant-Independent Therapy for RPE Dysfunction

Shintaro Shirahama, MD, PhD

Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear

Mentor: Bruce Ksander, PhD

Innovative Approaches to Treatments

Krishna Singh, PhD

Exploring How NRF2 Protein Reduces RPE Cell Damage by Cigarette Smoke

Krishna Singh, PhD

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Mentor: James Handa, MD

Understanding Early-Stage Macular Degeneration

Sandeep Moothedath Subrahmanian, PhD

Understanding Early Molecular Events in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Sandeep Moothedath Subrahmanian, PhD

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

Mentor: Michael Dennis, PhD

Understanding Early-Stage Macular Degeneration

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Regeneration of Cone Photoreceptors in the Human Retina

Juliette Wohlschlegel, PhD
University of Washington

Mentor: Thomas Reh, PhD

Regenerating Cells Damaged by Macular Degeneration



Sign up for email updates to be notified about upcoming Macular Degeneration Research grant awards. Learn more.



National Glaucoma Research


BrightFocus’ National Glaucoma Research program is one of the world’s leading nonprofit funders of glaucoma research, having supported nearly $51 million in scientific grants exploring the root causes and prevention strategies and treatments to end glaucoma. As of July 2024, National Glaucoma Research is supporting 38 active glaucoma research projects across the globe.

Grants Awarded in 2024:

Jennifer Fan Gaskin, FRANZCO

Saving Sight: A Journey to Healing without Scars

Jennifer Fan Gaskin, FRANZCO

Centre for Eye Research Australia (Australia)

Co-Principal Investigators: Elsa Chan, PhD & Roy Kong, PhD

Predicting Outcomes and Other Treatment Innovations

Samuel Herberg, PhD

How the Microenvironment Affects Schlemm’s Canal Cell Behavior

Samuel Herberg, PhD

SUNY Upstate Medical University

Controlling Eye Pressure in New Ways

aiyan Li, PhD

The Role of Microtubules in Glaucomatous Schlemm’s Canal Mechanobiology

Haiyan Li, PhD

Georgia Institute of Technology

Controlling Eye Pressure in New Ways

Xiaorong Liu, PhD

The Impact of Glaucoma on Light-Mediated Mood and Sleep Disorders

Xiaorong Liu, PhD

University of Virginia

Co-Principal Investigator: Ignacio Provencio, PhD

Imaging & Exploring the Eye-Brain Connection

Diana C. Lozano, PhD

IOP-Related Gene Responses in the Optic Nerve Head and Trabecular Meshwork

Diana C. Lozano, PhD

Oregon Health & Science University

Co-Principal Investigator: Kate Keller, PhD

Controlling Eye Pressure in New Ways

Shruti Patil, PhD

Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Degeneration in a 3D Microfluidic Hydrogel Model

Shruti Patil, PhD

Indiana University 

Mentor: Jason Meyer, PhD

Predicting Outcomes and Other Treatment Innovations

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Pressure-Induced Axon Damage and Its Link to Glaucoma-Related Vision Loss

Bingrui Wang, PhD

University of Pittsburgh

Protecting and Regenerating the Optic Nerve

Hannah Youngblood, PhD

Understanding How Variants in LOXL1 Affect Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma Risk

Hannah Youngblood, PhD

Georgia Institute of Technology 

Mentor: Raquel Lieberman, PhD

Understanding What Causes Glaucoma

Mengya Zhao, PhD

Why Certain Retina Ganglion Cells Stay Strong in Glaucoma

Mengya Zhao, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Mentor: Xin Duan, PhD

Protecting and Regenerating the Optic Nerve



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All grants will be awarded pending the conclusion of contract negotiations.

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