Explore expert-vetted resources on diseases of mind and sight.
Learn about the various forms of childhood glaucoma, as well the associated risk factors, examination procedures, and treatments.
Joshua Dunaief MD, PhD, answers your questions about macular degeneration. Dr. Dunaief is a professor of ophthalmology at the Scheie Eye Institute of University of Pennsylvania.
Hear personal experiences of living with age-related macular degeneration from Maureen Foley and Sheila Klein, who share their challenges and helpful resources.
A group of residents with low vision at the Timber Ridge at Talus Life Services Community in Issaquah, Washington, raised $2,700 in support of BrightFocus’ Macular Degeneration Research and National Glaucoma Research programs.
Discover how lifestyle changes like exercise, diet, and mindfulness, can impact glaucoma management.
Does age-related macular degeneration lead to blindness? Learn how the disease is diagnosed and what to expect.