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Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds innovative, early-stage research through its Alzheimer's Disease Research (ADR) program, welcomed the release of a draft framework to stop the disease over the next decade.

Jan 13, 2012
Press Releases

"The 21st Century Brain Trust™," a coalition of four nonprofit organizations working to end Alzheimer's disease, took a $100,000 prize, out of submissions from more than 280 partnering organizations to the Sanofi US's Partners in Patient Health Collaborate | Activate Innovation Challenge.

Jan 12, 2012
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization funding innovative research through its Alzheimer's Disease Research (ADR) program, today announced that the number of scientists seeking ADR research grants through its annual application process increased by 33% this year.

Nov 10, 2011
Press Releases

The recent comments of the Rev. Pat Robertson on the 700 Club television program, and the ensuing media coverage of his statement that the spouse of a person with advanced Alzheimer's disease could consider divorce, have stirred a firestorm of passions and comments.

Sep 16, 2011
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) has joined forces with members of USAgainstAlzheimer's, the Alzheimer's Foundation of America,, and the Crisis Prevention Institute to create #talkalz, a new TweetChat aimed at providing information and advice about Alzheimer's disease.

Sep 9, 2011
Alzheimer's Disease Research

The American Health Assistance Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds innovative, early-stage research on Alzheimer's disease, today announced it has awarded 19 new grants, totaling more than $3.4 million, to scientists worldwide. Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative disorder that destroys brain function and eventually leads to death from complete brain failure, is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Jul 7, 2011
Press Releases

Stein Your Florist Co. will host a Spring Family Festival in support of Alzheimer's Disease Research, a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, on Saturday 16 April (rain date Sunday 17 April) in the Mayfair neighborhood of Philadelphia.

Apr 12, 2011
Press Releases

Two large consortia of researchers who published back-to-back papers in the April 3 issue of the scientific journal Nature Genetics have reported five new genes that are linked with a risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Apr 6, 2011
Press Releases

Scientists supported by the American Health Assistance Foundation have discovered that increasing the amount of an immune system protein in the brains of mice engineered to show features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) can reduce the amount of beta-amyloid in plaques.

Feb 16, 2011
Press Releases

The American Health Assistance Foundation expresses our sympathies to the family and friends of Dr. Mark Smith. A former AHAF grantee, Smith was an eminent scientist who advanced research on Alzheimer's disease and the biology of aging, contributing to more than 800 studies in his field.

Dec 21, 2010