Baltimore, MD, USA
Current Organization
Wilmer Eye Institute
Hu Huang is a Research Associate at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He received a PhD degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his post-doctoral training with Robert Anderson, MD, PhD, at the University of Oklahoma, and Ruben Adler, MD, at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Huang’s main research focus is on blinding retinal diseases, such as AMD. His research goals are to decipher the biological pathways that underlie these eye diseases and discover target molecules that have therapeutic potential to treat blinding eye diseases. Besides the BrightFocus Foundation Grant Award, Dr. Huang’s research has been funded by the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, the Wilmer Pooled Professor Fund, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen Research Development.