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Signs & Symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease attacks the mind, leading to memory loss, confusion, cognitive problems, and the inability to communicate or care for oneself. Continue reading for more information about the signs and symptoms.

A grandfather and grandson fish on a dock.

What to Watch For

Many people experience mild forgetfulness or memory delays; it’s a normal part of the aging process. We all have occasional difficulty remembering a word or someone’s name. A person with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia will find such symptoms becoming more and more frequent and severe.

Any of us could forget where we placed our car keys. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may place the keys in an unusual spot, like the refrigerator. Or, he or she may not even remember the purpose of the keys.

Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Changes in personality
  • Impaired walking or movement
  • Language difficulties
  • Low energy
  • Memory loss
  • Mood swings
  • Problems with attention and orientation
  • Problems with simple mathematical tasks

When to Seek Evaluation

In general, it may be time to seek an Alzheimer’s evaluation by a qualified physician if memory loss or other symptoms for you or a loved one:

  • Increases in frequency or severity
  • Interferes with daily activities (such as employment tasks or family chores)
  • Makes an impression on friends and family

Medications That Can Mimic Dementia

Some medications can interfere with cognition and mimic symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Often, it is difficult to disentangle the possible sources of cognitive changes in an older person taking multiple medications for medical conditions that, in their own right, can affect mental functioning. 

If you believe that medications are causing memory loss or affecting other cognitive functions, discuss this with your healthcare providers. 

Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease usually progresses gradually, lasting an average of seven years in the U.S. Scientists now know that Alzheimer’s disease exists in a person’s body long before symptoms appear. Researchers call this the pre-clinical/pre-symptomatic stage. Once symptoms do appear, they increase in severity as a person with Alzheimer’s moves from the earliest to the final stages of the disease.

Mild Cognitive Impairment Due to Alzheimer’s

Individuals with mild cognitive impairment have memory problems but can perform routine activities. This condition often leads to Alzheimer’s, but not all patients will develop Alzheimer’s.

Mild (Stage 1)

Early in their illness, people with Alzheimer’s disease may be slow in their speech and understanding, experience minor memory loss and mood swings, and other possible symptoms.

Moderate (Stage 2)

At this stage, a person with Alzheimer’s begins to experience a greater impact on their daily life and independence.

Severe (Stage 3)

In this final stage, people with Alzheimer’s are unable to chew and swallow, become bedridden and vulnerable to pneumonia and other illnesses, among other symptoms.

Do you think you or a loved one might have Alzheimer's?

If you suspect that you or a loved one has a memory problem, seek advice and a thorough evaluation by a physician with extensive knowledge, experience, and interest in dementia and memory problems. It’s important to get early medical attention if you can.

A physician can rule out other possible causes of memory loss, including:

  • Another progressive condition like Parkinson’s disease
  • Drug interactions
  • Head injury
  • Infections
  • Nutritional or metabolic disorders

Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, a doctor may prescribe certain medications to help slow the progression or alleviate some of the symptoms of the disease. Treatment is most effective in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s disease, so early screening and diagnosis are important.

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Recent Resources & Information

Browse expert-vetted articles and resources to better understand and manage Alzheimer's symptoms and treatment. And, read about the latest discoveries fueled by Alzheimer's Disease Research-funded scientists.