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By investing in some of the world’s most innovative research, BrightFocus Foundation has sown the seeds of two Nobel Prizes and scores of other scientific breakthroughs. BrightFocus-funded science is cited in scientific papers—a key barometer of driving new discovery—at twice the rate of scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health. The researchers we support often receive subsequent grants from NIH and other sources at ten times the amount of our original investment, an affirmation of our world-class scientific review committees that vet and recommend the most promising opportunities.

With the aging of our large Baby Boom generation, we must act with great urgency by increasing our research funding and broadening our public outreach to raise awareness and knowledge.

Grandmother reading with child at home.


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Annual Reports

We publish an annual report with information on the research we fund, our outreach efforts, our donors, and a summary of our financial position. Learn more about the achievements for the year.

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Research Grant Portfolios

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Where Our Money Goes

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Financial Reports

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Charity Ratings

An elderly woman sitting at a table with a calculator and paperwork, reviewing her finances. She appears focused, wearing glasses and working in a well-lit, home-like setting.