Sandy Markwood
CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Sandy Markwood is a national advocate for aging issues and a champion for ensuring that people have the best support to age well at home and in their communities. As the CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) since 2002, she has been committed to ensuring that, as a society, we value and support people across the lifespan. That commitment has taken many forms, including advocacy with multiple Administrations and on Capitol Hill for the passage of legislation aimed at supporting older adults, including access to critical information, in-home services, and caregiver support.
A passionate advocate, Sandy and her organization have launched campaigns focused on combating the social isolation of older adults, preventing elder abuse, promoting nutrition and healthy aging and engagement no matter your age, and exploring new transportation and housing options as we age, among others. Her goal and the goal of n4a is to ensure that we all have the ability to age with good health, independence, and the quality of life we all deserve. Aging isn’t just about adding years to our lives…it’s about adding life to those years.
Prior to coming to n4a, Sandy served as the Director of County Services at the National Association of Counties for 20 years, supporting county efforts in health and human services. She also served as a Project lead at the National League of Cities and as an Assistant to the County Executive for human services in Albemarle County, VA.
She holds a BA degree in history and a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Virginia.