Tel Aviv, Israel
Current Organization
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Dr. Ashery-Padan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics, Sackler School of Medicine, and is also affiliated with the Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University. She completed her doctoral studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and conducted post-doctoral training at the Max Planck for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany. Dr. Ashery-Padan’s research team employs animal models, genetic and biochemical tools, and stem cell technologies to determine the roles of genes in the development and physiology of the retina and RPE. In addition to her BrightFocus award, Dr. Ashery-Padan is the recipient of the prestigious Dan David Award for Young Investigators, the TEVA award, and the E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the blind award. Ashery-Padan’s research was previously awarded grants from the Israel Science Foundation, the Israel Ministry of Health, the Israel Ministry of Science, and the Binational Science Foundation (BSF).