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Boston, MA, USA

Current Organization

Boston Children's Hospital


Dr. Mark Andermann received undergraduate training in math and physics at McGill University. He then received PhD training at MIT and Harvard, and postdoctoral training at the Helsinki University of Technology and at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Andermann is currently a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Department of Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). The Andermann lab employs cellular and subcellular imaging methods to track the activity of the same brain cells across weeks in retina, thalamus, cortex, amygdala, hypothalamus, and brainstem as mice seek food, water, mates, or safety. Dr. Andermann’s work has been recognized by an AFAR New Investigator Award in Alzheimer’s Disease, a Pew Scholars Award, a McKnight Scholar Award, and by a New Innovator Award and a Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health’s High-Risk/High-Reward Research Program. Collaboratively, the Lehtinen and Andermann laboratories developed an imaging approach that introduces a “skylight” into the brain that allows observing the choroid plexus and CSF in real-time. This unique toolset will be used in Dr. Huixin Xu’s project supported by BrightFocus to investigate choroid plexus inflammation and brain barrier integrity in Alzheimer’s disease.