Background alzheimers Shape Background alzheimers Shape Background alzheimers Shape
a headshot of Dr. Miller




Lexington, KY, USA

Current Organization

University of Kentucky Research Foundation


Dr. Justin Miller has been a postdoctoral fellow at Brigham Young University since 2018. His research focuses on using machine learning to identify genetic and phenotypic differences in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Dr. Miller received his PhD in Biology from Brigham Young University in 2018, and his dissertation was on the evolutionary conservation of codon usage bias across the Tree of Life. Dr. Miller also earned a B.S. degree in Bioinformatics from Brigham Young University in 2015. Dr. Miller currently mentors a team of bioinformatics undergraduates on a variety of projects that utilize machine learning, web programming, and big data management. Dr. Miller has published 15 peer reviewed manuscripts, nine of which he is first author or co-first author. Additionally, Dr. Miller has given five oral presentations and presented over 30 posters at scientific conferences.