Elliott J.
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Current Organization
Barrow Neurological Institute
Elliott Mufson, PhD, is professor of Neurobiology and director of the Alzheimer’s Research Laboratory at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ. He is the principal investigator of a multisite clinical molecular neuropathology program project grant entitled “Neurobiology of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly,” supported by the National Institute of Aging. This program involves investigators at several different universities and Alzheimer disease (AD) centers within the USA. He brings to the project his research perspective in human brain clinical pathological studies, as well as expertise in human single cell gene array technology. He is an internationally recognized expert in human brain connectivity and the neurobiology of mild cognitive dementia and AD and has published over 300 peer-reviewed publications on molecular and cellular pathology of AD and DS in human brain and mouse models of this disorder.