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Grants > A Genetic Search for Presenilin-Interacting Genes Updated On: Mar. 11, 2025
Alzheimer's Disease Research Grant

A Genetic Search for Presenilin-Interacting Genes

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Principal Investigator

Robert Clark, PhD

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

San Antonio, TX, USA

About the Research Project


Alzheimer's Disease Research

Award Type


Award Amount


Active Dates

April 01, 1999 - March 31, 2001

Grant ID



Dr. Clark will use the Drosophila model system to study the function or presenilin genes. In humans, there are two presenilin genes which, when mutated, contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Dr/ Clark has combined his training in the Drosophila system and his training in Alzheimer’s research to study the function of the Drosophila presenilin gene. The expression of presenilin is being studied during the fly’s development, and the role of presenilin will be determined by mutating the gene. In addition, Dr. Clark will combine the knowledge of Drosophila genetics with physical techniques to identify other possible genes that interact with presenilin. The human counterparts (or homologs) of Drosophila presenilin-interacting genes can then be assessed for their possible contribution to Alzheimer’s disease.

Grantee institution at the time of this grant: Meharry Medical College